Student Representation

In response to feedback and recommendations, during Michaelmas Term 2019 the Faculty restructured its student representation. From Hilary Term 2020 the number of representatives increased to five each at undergraduate and at graduate level. For graduates there will be three Masters and two DPhil representatives. It is hoped that this will allow for a smooth transition between academic years and, with the increase in numbers, greater representation and also a shared workload. Their role is to represent the views and concerns of the graduate student body, and so to act as a point of contact for graduate students to put forward any matters they would like to be considered by the Committee or the Board. 

Terms of Office and Elections
Representatives’ terms are for one year, starting in either Michaelmas or Hilary Term. Elections will be held each Michaelmas for representatives to serve Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity; the remaining representatives will be elected in Hilary to serve Hilary, Trinity and the next year’s Michaelmas. Potential representatives will be sought and if there are more than the required number fo representatives who come forward, an election will be held. The representatives sit on the Undergraduate or Graduate Joint Consultative Committee, Undergraduate or Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty Board and the Curators Committee. They also organise, chair and minute the termly, student-led Open Meeting.

Student-led Open Meeting - week 3, day and time to be announced after consultation with student reps
This meeting is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty. The meeting will be organised, chaired and minuted by students and the undergraduate and postgraduate issues raised at this meeting would feed into the separate JCC meetings. Issues from JCCs would then feed into the Undergraduate or Graduate Studies Committee and Faculty Board.

Joint Consultative Committees
Secretary – Christine Mitchell

  • Graduate Consultative Committee - Thursday of 4th Week, 1pm
  • Undergraduate Consultative Committee - Tuesday of 4th Week, 1pm

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies students are also represented through the Joint Consultative Committees which consist of academic members and student representatives. The agenda of these committees is driven by the student representatives who are asked to submit items for discussion.

Student representatives sitting on the Divisional Board are selected through a process organized by the Oxford Student Union (Oxford SU). Details can be found on the Oxford SU website along with information about student representation at the University level:  

Email the Undergraduate Reps

Email the Graduate Reps