Young Bin Min-KF University Lectureship in Korean Language

Young Bin Min-KF University Lectureship in Korean Language

Subject Area: Korean Language and Linguistics
Chair: Professor Jay Lewis -
Administrator: Trust funds administrator -

Previous Awards:

  • Costs for travel to conferences
  • Financial support to invited speakers 


§ 162. The Young Bin Min-KF University Lecturership in Korean Language and Linguistics Fund

[Made by the General Purposes Committee of Council on 11 October 2007]

1. The donations from Korea Foundation and the International Communication Foundation shall together be known as the Young Bin Min-KF University Lecturership in Korean Language and Linguistics Fund.

2. The University shall retain all of the Fund as permanent endowment and shall apply the net income of the Fund towards the furtherance within the University of research within the field of Korean Studies involving Korean Language and Linguistics.

3. The first call on the income shall be the funding of a University Lecturership in the field of Korean Language and Linguistics. The Lecturer shall focus on Korean language and linguistics as the primary subject of his/her research and conduct such research using primary sources published in the Korean language; and publish the findings of such research in the English language and possibly in the Korean language.

4. Any excess Disposable Income remaining after providing for the University Lecturer’s salary and related expenses (including during a vacancy of the University Lecturership) may be expended at the discretion of the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, with a strong preference that said funds be used to support Korean studies at the University, including but not limited to: hosting of visiting professors, graduate fellowships, research expenses, conferences, seminars, and expansion of the University’s library holdings in Korean studies.

5. Any income not expended on the University Lecturership may be carried forward for expenditure in subsequent years.

6. Regulation 3 above may be amended by Council.

Standing Order

Young Bin Min-KF University Lecturership in Korean Language and Linguistics Fund

The committee shall consist of the chair of the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies (chair), the Young Bin Min-KF Lecturer in Korean Language and Linguistics ex officio, the University Lecturer in Korean History ex officio, and two other members selected by the Board of Oriental Studies. The period of office shall be three years, and members shall be re-eligible.

The duties of the committee shall be to administer the fund, the net income of which shall be used for the Young Bin Min-KF University Lecturership in Korean Language and Linguistics. Any excess income remaining after providing for the University Lecturer’s salary and related expenses (including during a vacancy of the University Lecturership) may be used to support Korean studies at the University, including but not limited to: hosting of visiting professors, graduate fellowships, research expenses, conferences, seminars, and expansion of the University’s library holdings in Korean studies.

The committee shall be empowered to make grants up to £600, provided that such grants are reported to the next meeting of the board. For grants over £600 the committee shall submit recommendations for the board’s approval.

Committee Members

  • Chair of the Faculty Board
  • Professor Jay Lewis
  • Professor Jennifer Guest
  • Professor Jieun Kiaer 
  • Professor Bjarke Frellesvig
OS No. 47 SOF B1758 Index New/tba


Fund Applications


To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to It is always advisable to contact if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.